Listening to your needs

Urban furniture manufacturers, urban planners, landscapers, designers... ASCA® supports you to innovate and bring new functionalities to urban structures. Our custom-made solar solutions can be easily integrated into all types of projects.

Communities, companies... ASCA® offers turnkey projects to make a difference and improve the daily life of users. Custom-made, the solutions can be integrated into existing furniture or new structures with an aesthetic and multifunctional approach.

Urban space planning with multifunctional structures
Aestheticism and great freedom of creation
Innovation through proven solutions

In the face of climate change and increasing connectivity, it has become essential to develop structures that combat heat islands, complement green spaces or offer recharging services.

In order to offer furniture with these multiple functionalities, ASCA® develops tailor-made solutions to integrate innovative, low-carbon and local solar energy production. Highly aesthetic and transparent, ASCA® modules integrate harmoniously into structures to create unique and sustainable concepts.

ASCA® develops solutions


    Great freedom of design
    Customized creation - all shapes and sizes
    Transparency and colors


    Low-carbon technology
    100% reusable
    No rare metals or silicon


    Maximized energy production with minimal weight and size
    Functioning even in low light conditions


    Lightness and flexibility to adapt to all constraints
    Harmonious and aesthetic integration